AI/ML Showcase Portfolio
AI/ML models, tools, and deployment examples focused on marine ecosystem applications .
Full AI/ML Portfolio at this Link:
Coral Health (Bleaching) Classifier (ViT)
Using a Patch Based Vision Transformer Model Architecture (google/vit-base-patch16-224)
Developed and trained a coral bleaching image classification model using a Vision Transformer (ViT) architecture to distinguish between healthy coral and bleached coral.
Model Architecture:
Leveraged and fine-tuned a pre-trained Google ViT-base-patch16-224 model.
Fine-tuned only the classifier head while freezing the backbone to preserve learned features and reduce training time.
Data Processing:
Processed point-based annotations from NOAA/CoralNet to create AI-Ready training dataset.
Generated cropped/patch-based images aligned with annotated points to ensure consistent input sizes and accurate label matching.
Organized data into structured folders compatible with classification pipelines (train/validation/test splits).
Employed the Hugging Face Datasets library to load and preprocess images.
Converted images to RGB format and applied tokenization with AutoImageProcessor for ViT compatibility.
Implemented efficient data transformation and collation functions to manage pixel values and label mappings.
Training & Evaluation:
Defined training parameters using the TrainingArguments class, optimizing for 100 epochs with batch sizes of 16 and a learning rate of 3e-4.
Conducted evaluation at each epoch to monitor performance using an accuracy metric from the evaluate library.
Achieved consistent model convergence while limiting overfitting via early stopping and best-model loading strategies.
Results & Deployment:
Achieved high classification accuracy in differentiating coral health states.
Exported and saved both the trained model and processor for future deployment or inference.
Future Model training readily deployable using developed pipelines.
Deployed to Demo page using python streamlit and gradio
Real-Time(On Edge) Coral Heath (Bleaching) Classifier
Trained to classify coral bleaching conditions using the YOLO11n architecture on imagery from NOAA-PIFSC Ecosystem Sciences Division (ESD) Coral Bleaching Classifier dataset. The dataset includes human-annotated points indicating healthy and bleached coral, enabling classification for marine ecosystem monitoring.
Using latest YOLO architecture, deployment achieved real time classification speeds
Inference Speed~0.40 ms/image
Preprocessing Speed~0.17 ms/image
Postprocessing Speed~0.0003 ms/image
Sea Urchin Object Detection
Real time Fish Object Detection and Tracking